In many places around the world, there is
one consistent problem, over population.
To you personally, this may or may not
be an issue of concern at the moment, you
may think to yourself, why not have more
people? I like people, why shouldn't there
be more? Believe me, if the cities were to
become more crowded than they already
are, you would start to tire of your neighbors
pretty quickly. Think of it as one large
family reunion, and lets just say your family
doesn't get along very well.
Anyway, that is a slight tangent from the real
problem. over population is a consistent problem
in many places around the world. why? why can't
we have more people? Well the answer to that is
very simple, carrying capasity. To those out there
not familiar with what this is, allow me to illuminate
you. It is the maximum population of an organism
that an ecosystem can support. Every organism has
a carrying capasity in it own respective ecosystem,
and now due to our global statis as a speacies, our
ecosystem is now the world. Now the question is;
What is our carrying capasity? And what does that
mean? because there is one.we just haven't pushed
the earth far enough to find what it is.
The carrying capasity of human beings is very large.
I will admit that. But there will come a time when we
reach that point. In other words, there will come a time
when the number of humans on earth will become to
much and earth will not be able to support it any longer.
let's see how your family reunion is going now that your
city has over 20 million people in it. ( as a little bit of
perspective, new york currently contains about 8.5
million people, see how busy it already is? )
How Aeroponics fits into this situation is as a means of
greater food production. Because all these things lead to
the fact that either we discover how to support the growing
population by growing more food ( because that is the
primary limiting factor ), or we decrease the amount of
people in the world. And we all know that that is not going
to happen, becuase nobody likes restrictions, and who would
want to be told wheather or not they could have a kid?
Since the amount of people is not likely to decrease any
time soon, we need to figure out how to support the
growing population. And the answer to that very
well can be Aeroponics. Very simply, the faster growth
rate, larger harvests, efficient use of water and nutrients,
and the ability to keep a larger amount of concentration
of plants in a smaller area of square feet, it could very
well be the answer to the problem.
If you have read this
far, I thank you. Many people do not wish to listen to a
persons rant, let alone read one. But on the off chance
that you like this, or find that it is educational, than I
am glad that I was able to supply this information.